Losing a loved one is devastating. However, when their death is caused by another person’s negligent or otherwise careless actions, it magnifies the grief felt by the family. As families focus on putting their loved one to rest and healing from the shock of the sudden passing, they often neglect to consider that someone should hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions. If you’ve lost a loved one in a fatal car accident, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death claim. A wrongful death claim can provide you with the compensation you need to help ease the financial devastation of the loss. Please continue reading to learn who is eligible to file a wrongful death claim in Alabama and how a compassionate Birmingham Wrongful Death Lawyer can help you get the justice your family deserves. 

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim After a Fatal Car Accident in Alabama?

Firstly, wrongful death is often defined in Alabama as when the negligence of another person causes a person’s death, and if the person had lived, the action against them would be deemed illegal. They would be entitled to pursue legal action against them for their reckless actions. In addition, the deceased left behind a family of one or more people who have suffered a financial loss as a result of their loved one’s death. There’s a wide range of circumstances that could warrant a wrongful death claim, including auto accidents, work accidents, and more.

In Alabama, the only party who is eligible to file a wrongful death claim after a fatal car accident is the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate. Typically, this individual was appointed by the probate court or named in the deceased person’s will. The personal representative is responsible for acting on behalf of the surviving family members entitled to inherit from their deceased loved one’s estate. This may include a surviving spouse, the decedent’s children, parents, siblings, or even other relatives they’ve appointed to act on their behalf.

What Compensation is Available?

Through a wrongful death claim, you can recover the compensation you need to cover the financial burdens that come when you lose someone. Essentially, it’s intended to compensate a deceased person’s family members for the economic losses they’ve suffered as a result of the untimely death of their loved one. Although a personal representative cannot recover compensation to cover the survivor’s pain and suffering, they can recover compensation for the financial impact of the loss. The most common damages awarded in wrongful death claims include:

  • Funeral arrangements
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of benefits
  • Medical bills and healthcare expenses related to the deceased’s final moments
  • Pain and suffering endured by the deceased in their final moments
  • Reduction in the inheritance that the deceased would have left
  • Loss in parental guidance the deceased would have provided if they reached their anticipated life expectancy

If you’ve lost a loved one in a fatal car accident due to another’s negligence, please don’t hesitate to contact a determined lawyer from Alabama Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC, who can help you fight for justice.